Below is a list of services that S.H.I.P currently provides. If you would like further information about any clubs or would like to register to use the services please call 07713565120 or email
Services are open to any child with an additional support need from 5 years to 18 years old.
We would love to hear from you. Please click on the coloured titles to find out more about each service.
Monday - Youth Club - 6.30pm - 8pm - 13 years + independant young person group - £5 per session
Tuesday - Youth Club Perth - 6 pm -7.30pm - Gleneagles Day Opportunity Centre, Perth - £5 per session
Tuesday - Kinross Youth Club - 6.30 - 8pm - Loch Leven Community Campus, Kinross - £5 per session
Wednesday - Active Monkey's - 6 pm - 7pm - Glenearn Community Campus - £5 per session
Thursday - Youth Club - 6.30 pm - 8pm - Gleneagles Day Opportunities Centre - £5 per session
Thursday - Crieff Youth Club - 6.30 - 8pm - Strathearn Community Campus - £5 per session
Saturday - Saturday Club - 9.30 - 12noon and 1 pm-3.30pm - Gleneagles Day Opportunities - 5-18 years - £10 per session
Holiday Clubs - 8.30 am - 5.30pm - 1 week April, 5 weeks Summer and 1 week October - 5-18 years
For details please email
Afterschool Club - Monday - Friday 3pm - 5.30pm - based at Fairview School, Perth - 5-18years -
For details please contact
To find out how to book or to enquire about any of the above clubs please email