Activities and Resources.
After COVID, the importance of having resources at home to help you and your young people has become apparent and there has been a huge increase of online resources. Below are some of the activities that we made up during the lockdown period and some useful resources.
We have created our own page with some useful signs to get you started with signing at home! These are Makaton signs used to encourage speech and language so remember to speak while you sign! Go to our signing page here!
The Makaton Charity website has list of free resources in their library that cover a range of topics from animals to religion. They also have games stories and songs to help incorporate signs into your daily routine in a fun way
Check out their website by clicking on the image.
ICAN is a children’s communication charity. This website is full of useful information and links to support you with your young persons communication needs.
They offer a range of engaging resources for parents to use with their children.
There are lots of useful resources out there to encourage the use of symbols! Here are some we've chosen to highlight.
Created and maintained by CALL Scotland, Symbols for All provides teaching resources in an accessible format for learners with additional support needs. The resources are designed to support the introduction of picture symbols and their use in everyday school activities by providing a core 'starter' set.
The NAIT website shows how visual supports can be very helpful in helping learners with a range of additional support needs. They support communication and can be used in various environments and locations and in many situations. For some autistic learners they are a vital communication support. It is helpful to have consistency at home and in the early learning and childcare setting/school when using visual supports.
First and then Board
My Daily Routine Board
Routine boards - These can help to give your young person some understanding about what will happen in their day. They can be used for a full day timetable or a simple first and then board. These boards are printable. If you need us to print them we can send them to you.
My Morning Board
My Afternoon Board
Find below some activities that can be done at home with your young person. These were made up during COVID-19 but still are great to use in school holidays and weekends! Let us know if you try any of these and how you get on!
Let's get baking with Louise - Red velvet cupcakes

Take some time out with Sam - mindfulness.

Georgia reads 'The Easter Bunny comes to Scotland'. Enjoy!

Let's all sing along with Ruth.
Louise reading 'What the ladybird heard'

Getting active with Ashley, looks loads of fun, lets all have a go!!

Let's make some scones with Ewan - they look so good. Let us know how you get on.

An amazing video from our very own Louise. You have a friend in all of us!